Why Social Media Marketing Trends Are Getting Weird And Absurd

Have you noticed that social media and television ads are getting weird lately? You might even think some of them are a bit “absurd”. As you may have guessed, this is indeed intentional and part of a trending marketing strategy aimed at the younger generations. These types of ads are gaining a lot of attention and creating a buzz all over the internet. This is precisely what marketers want to happen! As content creation gets more creative and fun, people notice. Let’s explore why social media marketing trends are getting weird and absurd, and how you can use it to your own marketing advantage.

Super Bowl Ads Are The Perfect Example

Everyone loves a good Super Bowl commercial. Let’s face it, many people tune in to watch the game only because of the commercials! Those of us who own any type of business, big or small, can learn something from this. What makes a Super Bowl commercial so amazing that people actually want to watch the commercials and not fast-forward through them?

For starters, the most talked-about Super Bowl ads are the ones that are the most entertaining. Some commercials pull on emotions and heartstrings. Yet a majority of the ads entertain us. The most entertaining commercials usually include pop culture references and silliness that appeal to the masses. You can usually find people talking around the water coolers all week about what their favorite Super Bowl commercial is. In other words, the entertaining and emotional Super Bowl ads were not only noticeable but still being talked about and remembered fondly by people. You might even hold some fond memories of your favorite Super Bowl ads from past years!

How Gen-Z Humor Shaped Marketing Content

Gen-Z humor often consists of cynicism, snarkiness, and dramatics. A lot of Gen-Z humor found online will feature layers of irony. Gen-Z content tends to be “absurd” and random because they desire to be unique and authentic. The more absurd and surprising the content is, the more likely it will be shared online. 

Gen-Z and Millenials are the younger generations that most businesses are marketing more to these days. To market to younger generations, we need to understand the way they think, what causes matter to them, and what makes them laugh. They grew up in some stressful and tumultuous times and used humorous memes as a coping mechanism. Nowadays, memes are huge in social media marketing.

Younger demographics also have embraced the storytelling style content that both memes and videos provide. Through authentic storytelling content, you can draw the younger audience into your brand by talking about the things they think about often. If your story resonates with them, they will associate your brand as a possible solution to what they need. 

How To Incorporate Absurd Content Trends in Your Social Media Marketing

If you want to save time and money with your social media content, consider these points if your target market is Gen-Z:

  • Use absurd and authentic storytelling content, such as memes.
  • Be funny and use layers of irony and exaggerated or dramatic comparisons.
  • Use paradoxes in your content.
  • Allow the audience to come to their own realization, potential solution, or new perspective.
  • Find meaning in action.
  • Show your support on issues your company cares about.

At Finding Business Balance, we’re experts at helping small businesses in the health and wellness industry with their social media needs. If you want to learn more about how we can help you build your brand through social media marketing, contact us today for a complimentary consultation call. 

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