5 Ways To Repurpose Content For Maximum Social Media Impact

Are you struggling to fill your social media content calendar with fresh topics to post about? Do you wish there was an “easy button”  when you don’t have much time to create new content? If this is you, then why not try to repurpose content that you already have? Repurposing content saves you time by helping you create more social media content without having to always come up with new content ideas. The idea is not to recycle the same content you already posted but to transform it into a different format. Let’s explore five ways you can repurpose content to keep your social media marketing more consistent with less hassle.

Turn Long-Form Content Into Multiple Formats

Blogs, webinars, and podcasts are examples of long-form content that offer a wealth of information to your clients and potential leads. To maximize this content, you can break it down into shorter pieces for social media posts. Try turning these smaller pieces of content into Reels, carousels, tweets, and social media post captions. Using tools like Canva and Descript can help simplify the process. This is also a great way to advertise your blog, webinar, or podcast on your social media accounts.

Update And Refresh Old Content

Take a look at your analytics to find your most high-performing content. Which content received the most shares and engagement on your social media? This will give you a good idea of which content your audience will likely want more of. Revise these high-performing posts with new visuals, what’s trending, or new statistics. 

As time goes on, older blogs may become outdated. Content optimization helps keep your blogs relevant. You can add new keywords, updated links to other articles, new insights, and an updated call-to-action. Google will learn that this piece of content is more relevant after it was first published and will start prioritizing it again. 

Tailor Content For Different Platforms

When repurposing content, it’s important to remember that not all formats work the same across all social media channels. What works great on Facebook may not work as well on Instagram or LinkedIn. If you want to repurpose a social media post from one channel to another, make sure you tweak the content so that it works well with the new platform.

You may also need to adjust the format and style to fit each platform. For example, posting a video to an Instagram reel may require some editing. You may need to resize infographics to fit into your Pinterest or Instagram post format. 

Leverage User-Generated Content (UGC)

Sometimes your current social media audience is your greatest resource for repurposing your content. When your followers share your posts and recommend your products and services, not only do you get free advertising, but you can repurpose it into new content. This is called user-generated content (UGC)

You can encourage your current audience to share their experience using your products and services by offering an incentive. Then you can repost their content to expand your community and reach. Your audience will enjoy seeing reviews or “word of mouth” from other clients, which will help build your brand’s trust.

Create A Content Series

Another use of long-form content is to break it into smaller pieces to create a content series. To do this, you would break a single topic into a multi-part series and then post them consecutively. For example, you could turn this blog into five days of tips for repurposing content. Share one piece at a time to keep your audience coming back to see the rest of the content series. 

In Conclusion

At Finding Business Balance, we’re experts at helping small businesses in the health and wellness industry with their social media needs. We are the solution to your social media marketing difficulties whether it’s keeping up with posts or finding the creative edge to find new leads. If you would like to learn more about how we can assist you with your brand’s social media marketing needs, contact us today for a complimentary consultation call.


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